Julia Domna portrait head
- Raeder #: 72
- Collection: Tivoli, Villa Adriana
- Inventory #: Mus. Inv. 2220
- Provenance: Found November 19, 1951 in the Euripus of the "Canopus" in the southeast corner.
- Material: Marble
- Dimensions: Height:0.31m; height from hairline to chin 0.17 m
- Condition: n/a
- Discussion: Julia Domna portrait of the Gabii type.
- References: S. Aurigemma, BdA 41, 1956, 62f. Figure 13; S. Aurigemma, Villa Adriana (1961) 123 Figure 119; K. Buchholz, Die Bildnisse der Kaiserinnen der severischen Zeit (1963) 142; J. Meischner, Das Frauenportrait der Severerzeit (1964) 31 Nr. 11; 40f. Figure 38; U. W. Hiesinger, AJA 73, 1969, 43 Plate 18; R. Schluter, Die Bildnisse der Kaiserin Julia Domna (1971) 24ff.169; Helbig 4 IV Nr. 3208.
- Plate #: n/a
- Raeder page(s): 82
- Full Citation: Joachim Raeder, Die statuarische Ausstattung der Villa Hadriana bei Tivoli (Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, Bern: 1963) 31.